Seven Small Changes to Help You Feel Better This Summer

Woman walking on the beach.

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1. Start the day with a big glass of water

The body dehydrates overnight, so replenishing water in the morning is a vital part of taking care of yourself. You can still have your morning coffee or tea, don’t worry. Just make sure you drink some water before you put anything else in your system. Water before coffee is a small habit you can start without too much disruption to your current routine.

Pour yourself a room temperature or warm glass of H2O, which can be gentler on your stomach than ice-cold water. For an extra boost, squeeze in some fresh lemon or lime.

Then fill up your pretty BPA-free water bottle with ounce markers to make sure you're drinking enough throughout the day. Mine is pink; click below to order your own today!

I also recommend a thorough water filter to use at home. This is what I love it for my family of three.

BPA-free water bottle with ounce markers.

2. Move your body at least once a day

Yes, it may seem easier said than done, but you should be doing some sort of exercise or activity that gets your body moving at least once a day. Don't panic; this doesn't mean you have to be at the gym every morning. Instead, you can go for a walk or do some light yoga. Your muscles need to exercise, and if you're sitting at your computer all day, you'll be more prone to neck pain and a slow metabolism. Take a break every hour throughout the day. Even if it's just for 10 minutes, get up and get moving!

Want to make it more fun? Grab a neighbor, family member and/or your dog. A stroll around the park or your neighborhood is not only good for your body but is also great for your wellbeing. Who knows? You may find your walks become a regular event that both of you look forward to every day.

3. Put your phone away

Most people spend their day staring at a screen. First, it’s your laptop screen at work, then your TV at home, and your phone screen all through the day and before you go to bed. You need to give your eyes and mind a rest every once in a while. Screens are dehydrating. Plus, using your phone right before you go to bed can reduce the amount of REM sleep you get. Why not pick up a book instead or listen to some soothing music? Nothing too stimulating. This one small change can make a difference. You’ll wake up more rested and ready for the day.

4. Learn how to cook healthy food

Heating a packaged quesadilla in your microwave does not count as healthy cooking (sorry, not sorry). If you want to work on your overall health, you need to give your body the nutrients it needs. And the best sources of those nutrients are lean proteins, healthy fats, and lots of greens and fresh produce. If you have no idea where to start or if you’re feeling pretty good in this area but are looking for more variety, check out The Menu Club for seasonal recipes, sample meal plans and shopping lists.

Join the Farm Fresh Menu Club

Get simple, seasonal recipes, suggested meal plans, and shopping lists every month.


5. Treat yourself

There is no use in following a strict diet if you’re just going to crash and end up binge-eating a few weeks later. The occasional unhealthy treat is absolutely acceptable to keep you from feeling deprived and restricted. Just make sure a few chips doesn’t turn into the whole bag. Healthy can mean enjoying all types of foods but in moderation.

But, of course, you can skip the chips and turn to nutrient-rich whole foods that will fill you up and fuel your body. Some of my favorites include a small handful of nuts, plain cashew yogurt with a touch of honey, or a smoothie.

6. Keep track of what you eat

Sometimes we underestimate how many calories our favorite foods contain. Sure, your bowl of oats in the morning is healthy, but it can easily have 700 or 800 calories, not the 300 calories you thought it was. Keeping a food diary or using a tracking app, at least for a while, can help you get an idea of what you're eating. You’d be surprised how much, or how little, you're actually taking in every day. This is not about counting calories, but tracking what you eat - including snacks - will give you a better idea of the nutrients you’re eating, and where you can incorporate more plant foods and / or protein.

7. Make healthy swaps

Some healthy swaps are so simple that they’ll become second nature in no time. For example, try switching from regular milk to no-sugar-added almond milk as a healthy dairy-free alternative. Or try using plain cashew yogurt instead of mayonnaise in salad dressings or dips. After a while, you’ll barely notice the difference, but the health benefits will be worth it.

Change doesn't have to be complicated

Are you ready to make a few small changes to improve your health? You'll be surprised how easy it is to give your body what it needs without having to upturn your life completely. Luckily, change doesn't always have to be complicated. It may even turn out to be fun to find little things in your daily routine to improve.

What small health changes are you making this summer? Comment below!







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